Portable display systems
Deutsche Slovenská verzia English version


Technical data:
Weight* (kg)17.6
Visible size HxW231.5 x 202.4 cm
Cover dimensions WxHxT80.0 x 30.0 x 30.0 cm
76.0 x 30.0 cm
MaterialStructure-duralumin, magnetic bars-aluminium with eloxal coating, PVC 0,4 mm
CoverBlue nylon bag, blue plastic case
* - weight consists of structure, PVC panels, magn. bars, magn. tapes, bags, tube
Product parts:
220604 Magnetic tape 2.32m for plast. panel, varnished 6
220606 Magnetic tape 0.8m for panel varnished 6
251501 MAXI Magnetic strut straight for vertical use NSN1 760mm 13
251101 Maxi panel flaxible 0.4mm for flat frames 760x2315mm 1
251504 Maxi metalic strut horizontal for flat structure NSN1 1
251031 MAXI NIVA PLUS1 flat folding structure, 3x1 quads 1
252103 MAXI panel 632x2315mm for flat structure - frontside 2
259902 Niva Universalbag for frames max. 4x4 or 6 boards 1
259904 NIVA case for plastic panels 1
251515 Maxi horizontal magnetic strut 180 2
251516 Maxi horizontal metalic strut 180 2

Graphic preparation:

Digital print: Paper 150gr
Type of lamination: Hot lamination
TOP-Seal jet guard deep crystal 0,150mm
BOTTOM-Seal stoplight 0,220mm

NIVA Maxi Plus flat structure 3x1
Dimensions of structure:
Graphic dimensions:

Print page
Niva Expo Ltd.
Street Skolska 462/18, 962 61 Dobra Niva
tel.: +421 908 791596, fax: +421 45 5382229
e-mail: nivaexpo@nivaexpo.net

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