Mobile Ausstellungssysteme
Deutsche Slovenská verzia English version


Technical data:
Weight* (kg)21.7
Visible size HxW208.5 x 316.0 cm
MaterialStructure-duralumin, magnetic bars-aluminium with eloxal coating, PVC 0,4 mm
CoverBlue nylon bag, blue plastic case
Product parts:
220603 Magnetic tape 2.1m for plast. panel, varnished 10
220606 Magnetic tape 0.8m for panel varnished 10
211501 Magnetic strut straight for vertical use NSN1 18
211511 MAXI Horizon.magnet strut 704 for curved frames frontside 3
211512 MAXI Horizon.metalic strut 704 for curved frames frontside 3
212033 NIVA PLUS1 curved folding structure, 3x3 quads 1
212102 Plastic panel 632x2315mm for curved structure - frontside 5
259902 Niva Universalbag for frames max. 4x4 or 6 boards 1
259904 NIVA case for plastic panels 1
211515 Maxi horizontal magnetic strut 180 2

Graphic preparation:

Digital print: Paper 150gr
Type of lamination: Hot lamination
TOP-Seal jet guard deep crystal 0,150mm
BOTTOM-Seal stoplight 0,220mm

NIVA Plus curved structure 3x3
Dimensions of structure:
Graphic dimensions:

Niva Expo Ltd.
Street Skolska 462/18, 962 61 Dobra Niva
tel.: +421 908 791596, fax: +421 45 5382229
e-mail: nivaexpo@nivaexpo.net

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